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Coding tips for precautions in SDS

Posted Date:2024/1/17

In the Globally Harmonized System, there are five types of preparedness notes: general, prevention, response (emergency response and first aid in case of spill or exposure), storage and disposal.

As an important part of hazard publicity, the precautionary statement should generally be written on the GHS label together with the GHS hazard publicity elements (pictograms, signal words and hazard descriptions). Additional supplementary information, such as instructions for use, may be provided at the discretion of the manufacturer/supplier and/or the competent authority. Certain chemicals may require first aid, supplementary materials for therapeutic measures, or special antidotes or cleaning materials. In such cases, the advice of a poison emergency centre and/or medical personnel or experts should be sought and the relevant requirements should be written on the label.

Each defense statement is set up a special alphanumeric mixed code, consisting of 1 letter and 3 numbers, as follows:

(a) The letter "P" (for "Precautionary note");

(b) A number representing the type of precautionary note, as follows:

- "1" indicates the general precautions.

- 2 indicates the preventive description.

- "3" indicates the response precautions;

- "4" indicates the storage precautions;

- "5" indicates the precautions for disposal;

(c) Two numbers (serial number corresponding to the precautionary note).

The precautionary statement code is intended for reference purposes. This code is not part of the precautionary instructions and should not be used as a substitute for the precautionary instructions.

If square brackets [...] appear before and after a precautionary statement code , indicating that the precautions are not applicable to all situations and should only be used in certain circumstances.

If the slash "/" appears in the description text, it means that you need to choose between the words on both sides of the slash. In such cases, the manufacturer or supplier may choose, or the competent authority may specify one or more appropriate terms. For example, P280 "Wear protective gloves/wear protective clothing/wear protective eye mask/protective mask/hearing protection..." , can be changed to "wear a protective eye mask" or "Wear a protective eye mask and wear a protective mask".

Prevent ellipsis "...... "in the description "Indicates that not all applicable conditions are listed. For example, in P241 "use explosion-proof [electrical/ventilation/lighting /...] Device ", use "..." Indicates that other devices may need to be specified. Information to be provided. In such cases, the manufacturer or supplier may choose, or the competent authority may prescribe other conditions to be specified.

The above are only examples of some of the key points of the precautionary note, as detailed in the UN GHS Guidance Instrument.